Panchakarmas involves five procedures that helps in cleansing the body from accumulated metabolic waste with an aim to restore health.
Netra tharpanam is usually practiced kriya in netra chikitsa which is Brimhana (nourishing) in nature, is useful both in healthy as well as diseased persons.
Administration of the medicine through nasal route is known as nasyam, nose is the root for head the diseases related to head is best treated by this procedure.
Pouring a very fine stream of medicated liquid over the closed eyes from a height for a specified time period, this procedure is done to cure eye related diseases.
Pindi is a form of lepam (paste application) on eyes.
Oil massage help human to prevent the common health hazards, destroys insomnia protect eyes & skin provides compactness nourishment and longevity.
Udhvartanam is different form of Abhyangam (massage) in its direction of application & pressure during the procedure.
Pouring of medicated liquid on forehead is known as Shirodhara, also a type of Bahya sneham (external oleation therapy) as mentioned in Ayurveda. Mainly indicated in neurological & psychosomatic disorders.
Pooling the medicated liquid in a chamber or compartment constructed over the head, mainly indicated in neurological & psychosomatic disorders.
Jalaukavacharanam is a type of Raktamokshanam (Bloodletting) where leeches are used for bloodletting most effective and unique method to eliminate vitiated doshas.